Sarah Wilson Photo

Sarah Wilson Photo

December 2, 2010

The lovely Viv

Vivian Vu

Viv was awesome to work with.  She rocked all the looks she brought to the shoot and single handedly managed all clothing changes in public without hesitation or slip up.  Basically SHE ROCKS. <3

My biggest fan...

Ross and I cruising around one night, video camera on night vision, Young Jeezy on the ipod and this was the result... Miss you luv!!!

September 8, 2010

It's Official

Words can't describe the feeling at the moment you realize that your dreams are coming true.  What was once the seemingly unachievable goal is within reach.  The time has passed, the skills are in place, the location is now perfect... Time to really grind.  My journey to this point has been a beautiful one, painful and frustrating at times, but worth every moment of sacrifice.  Years have flown by and those I love most have had to endure my absence, but as the distance draws to a close I can see the opportunities I can provide and the example I have set.  A life is only lived once and if you don't spend every moment living it to the fullest, you have missed out on the essence of what it is to be alive.

One Life, One Chance.

February 3, 2010

DR... Midnight Shoot

This shoot was a series of jumping out of the car every time we saw a cool location.  This image was taken at the train station at Vermont Ave and the 105 in Los Angeles. DR was hilarious as a car of girls were convinced he was Chris Brown... "OMG, are you serious?"