Sarah Wilson Photo

Sarah Wilson Photo

January 17, 2011

Can't get Enough

One the most gifted and genuine artists I have met in a long time, Kumasi, was gracious enough lend himself to me for a shoot.  The result was amazing and I'm in love with these images... Looking forward to collabing with him again in the near future.

January 7, 2011


My Heart My Soul

In a life that has taken many twists and turns,
A life that has seen tragedy, pain and loss,
I slowly found my way to somewhere I had never been,
Surrounded by people I didn't know, unsure of the future,
Hardened, saddened and cold, I was detached,
Incapable of fear, incapable of love, half alive,
I found comfort in an old song, a glimpse of light,

A moment in time that was never suppose to be,
But I see now that it was for a reason,
I replay it all through my mind, every second,
I still see it so clear, even though the time has gone by,
Your eyes, locked on me as you passed,
You saw right through me from that instant,
Your persistence, your lack of weakness,
You brought me into your world,

From the first time we touched, that very first kiss,
I felt was I had always hoped to feel,
Warmth, understanding and protection,
Your arms around me, refusing to let go,
Without a doubt, I know that night means everything to you,
For different reasons, it means everything to me too,
It was the beginning of us, a beginning that was to never have an end,
I prayed that end would never find its way to us,

We had our moments, showing the worst of ourselves,
But having nothing but love at the end of the day,
I never saw myself capable of the understanding,
That comes with loving you,
You reached deep inside, with your hands and your heart,
You breathed life back into a lost soul,
You touched my life, made me love again,
Forever we are bonded, deeper than two people ever should be.

Gone too soon.

January 6, 2011

Early Morning in Watts...

In the midst of the horrible weather in Los Angeles, Watts rapper Numani and I found refuge in a local liquor store for part of our shoot.  For more photos, visit my website